Capitan Release Notes - June 7

Starting with the June 7th Release Notes below, all Capitan Release Notes emailed out will also be released in the Knowledge Base for easy access.

Staff Site Updates

You can now collect data regarding why customers are freezing and/or canceling memberships to make more informed business decisions.

Under Admin / Memberships & Passes, you will see a new "Membership Settings" option on the right.  You can select between two options: Configure Cancellation Reasons and Configure Freeze Reasons.

Configuring Cancellation Reasons

When "Ask customers why they are canceling their membership" is selected, a reason will be required when cancelling a membership either in the Climber App or in the Staff Site. You may fully customize the options, but we include a set of defaults to get you started based on the more common cancellation reasons:
  • Moving
  • Injury
  • Illness
  • Financial
  • Other
Other suggestions: Switching gyms, Was not using membership, Switching to Entry Passes 
Examples of how this feature can help:
  • Understand trends of what is causing customers to churn so you can implement strategies to combat it.
  • Depending on the cancellation reason, contact the customer to see if there are ways you can win the customer back (discounted memberships if it was a financial reason, switch to entry passes if they were not coming enough to make a membership worth it, etc.)

Configuring Freeze Reasons

When "Ask customers why they are freezing their membership" is selected, a reason will be required when freezing a membership either in the Climber App or in the Staff Site. You may fully customize the options, but we include a set of defaults to get you started based on the more common freeze reasons:

  • Vacation
  • Injury
  • Illness
  • Financial
  • Other

Other suggestions: Focusing on outdoor climbing, Other fitness goals

Examples of how this feature can help:
  • Understand trends of what is causing customers to freeze their memberships so you can implement strategies to combat it.
  • Depending on the freeze reason, contact the customer to see if there are ways you can win the customer back sooner (discounted memberships if it was a financial reason, yoga classes for an injured customer depending on the injury, etc.)

Membership Cancellation / Freeze Logs

Under Reporting, you will now have access to the Membership Cancellation Log and Membership Freeze Log.  These reports will be a running list of all times memberships were canceled or frozen.  When reasons are turned on, the logs will also display a pie chart to make it easier to see trends over time.

Memberships and Initiation Fees can have separate Tax/VAT rates to comply with local requirements.

Based on your local tax rules, if membership fees and initiation fees are to be taxed at different amounts this can now be configured in Capitan.  For all existing memberships in Capitan, the tax rate you had applied to a membership has been applied to the initiation fee automatically.

You can now require certain users are always in PIN mode to ensure Staff Activity is logged correctly.

Under Staff Admin, there is a new option for "PIN Mode Required?"  If this is selected, then the user may only log into the Staff Site if the "Require PINs when making changes" option is selected.

Examples of how this feature can help:
  • Ensure any stafflogins exclusively used for shared devices (front desk computers, tablets used by staff, etc) are always in PIN mode.

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