Capitan Release Notes - June 14

You can now configure memberships to have a set bill date.

By default, memberships will bill on the day of month on which they originally started (this is typically the day they were purchased unless the customer chose a later start date or a customer purchased a membership during a presale period).

However, for some memberships you may want all customers to have the same billing date.  If this is the case, you can set a Billing Day of Month for the membership.  When a Billing Day of Month is included, memberships of that type will always bill on the given day of month. If the membership does not start on the configured day of month, the first billing period will be prorated. If a given month has fewer days than the configured day of month, the bill will occur on the last day of that month instead.

Examples of how this feature can help:
  • Ensure your youth programming memberships are all billed on the same day, so the billing aligns with your youth programming schedule.
  • Keep your membership billing consistent with how you managed memberships before using Capitan.

Combine same-day check-ins to make entry passes valid all day long.

When the Combine Same-Day Customer Check-Ins setting is enabled, a customer who checks in multiple times in the same day will only have one check-in entry created, and will only have their entry method debited once (e.g., only one entry pass usage will be debited). We recommend this if customers often leave and re-enter the facility and entry passes are valid for the whole day.
This setting is found under Admin / Location Settings, and is configured separately for each of your locations.
Examples of how this feature can help:
  • If your gym has a cafe, bathrooms or separate space before the check-in point, you can continue to require customers scan in with each entry for consistency, without them being debited an additional entry or double-counted in your reporting.

You can now filter the Daily Check-in Count Report by time.

On the Daily Check-in Count Report, you will now find a Check-In Time of Day section, allowing you to obtain the check-in counts for certain periods of the day.

Examples of how this feature can help:

  • Understand what the peak hours are for staffing decisions.
  • Get a grasp on trends over time when deciding the times set for off-peak memberships.

There is now a Customer Count displayed on the customer table to make quick analysis easier.

On the customer table, you will now see in parentheses the number of customers in the table. When filters are applied, the count will display the number of customers that fit that criteria. 

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