Displaying an Occupancy Counter with the API

Capitan's API enables you to display your facility's currency occupancy in a way that's aligned with your website's colors and designs.

Before you start: See Capitan's API documentation for information on how to obtain a token and make requests to the API. We recommend you create a separate staff user account for your API integration, with permissions limited to those necessary for the integration.

To obtain your facility's current occupancy, make a GET request to the Check-In Stats API endpoint. The currently_checked_in_count field indicates the current number of active check-ins. Note that this data will only be accurate if you require customers to check out upon leaving.

If your organization operates multiple facilities, you may pass in a location_id GET parameter to obtain the Check-In Stats for an individual location.

Note: You will need Admin privileges on Capitan to access the API.  If you do not have Admin privileges, speak with your Captain Administrator. 

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