Capitan Release Notes - July 20, 2022

Capitan will now be sending release notes via Mailchimp, our newest integration (more info below).

Instructor management for repeating events and multi-part/one-off events is available.

When selecting an instructor, you may search among all staff members in your organization.

To add an instructor to a repeating event, follow these steps:

  • Go to an Event Type's Schedules. Select the Schedule you want to add a instructor onto.
  • Next to each time slot, enter the instructor(s) for that time slot. Note: If you have a time slot that on different days has different instructors (ie Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Jane teaches yoga and Thursdays at 6:00 PM Sam teaches yoga, create two separate schedules.
  • If you need to permanently change the instructor(s) assigned to a time slot, edit the instructor in the same way.

To modify an instructor for one instance of a repeating event (e.g., because the normal instructor is on vacation), follow these steps:

  • Go to Scheduled Events. 
  • Select the date/time where you need to modify the instructor(s) and click on the row you wish to modify.
  • Click on the More button, then select Edit Instructors to modify the normally scheduled instructor(s).
  • Selecting "Is sub?" will display the instructor as a substitute.
  • Note: All instructors on repeating events that are added via Scheduled Events and not in the Event Setup will have an asterisk next to their name.

To add an instructor to a multi-part/one-off occurrence, follow these steps:

  • Go to an Event Type's occurrences. Select the occurrence you want to add an instructor onto.
  • After a date in the occurrence, add the instructor(s). When you add an additional date in an occurrence, the same instructor(s) as the date above will automatically be included. These can be modified for each date.
  • Modifications can be made following the steps above or in Scheduled Events.

Multiple instructors can be added to a single event.

You can now add multiple instructors to a single event. You may reorder the instructors listed to make it easier to view Head Instructors at a glance for larger events with multiple instructors.

You can now create discount codes for entry passes.

Discounts codes for a flat currency amount can be created in Capitan under the new Entry Pass Settings. Only one discount code may be applied at a time, so customers cannot stack multiple discounts for a single purchase. The Discount Code input field will display in the Climber App payment page only when there is an discount code configured for that particular Entry Pass.

Each discount has the following configuration options:

  • Code - This is what a customer must enter in order to apply the discount.
  • Name (optional) - If configured, this will be displayed in place of the discount code on the customer's receipt and in the payment table.
  • Amount - If a discount ever exceeds the total purchase amount, the purchase will be free.
  • Availability (optional) - If provided, these dates limit when customers can use this discount.
  • Entry Passes This Discount Applies To - You may allow the discount to be applied to any number of your Draft and Active entry passes.

Note: Discounts for memberships and events, and reports for discounts, will be available in the next release.

How this can be useful:

  • Offer seasonal promotions.
  • Give promotional discounts to members that canceled memberships because of a financial reason. (You can configure membership cancellation reasons here).

Quarterly memberships can now be configured for more flexibility.

Membership length for recurring and prepaid memberships can now be set to a monthly, quarterly or annual.

How can this be useful:

  • Offer seasonal memberships (e.g., a discounted summer three month membership).
  • Provide discounted memberships to students to match semesters.

There is a new report of all participants of your organization's Challenges.

The Challenge Participant List can be used to track your customers' progress on Challenges. In the report you filter by particular challenges, completion status and prize status. (You can configure a check-in challenge here).

The first Mailchimp integration has been released.

Under organization settings, there is a new option to sync with your Mailchimp account. When setting up the integration, you will need to select which audience you want Capitan to sync with in Mailchimp. All future customers created on Capitan will automatically be added to the same audience. Currently, the only tag Capitan is automatically applying is a customer's Home Location. In future updates you will have more control over which tags and events are recorded and sent to Mailchimp.

Note: All customers that have not opted into email marketing on Capitan will be configured as "transactional only" in Mailchimp.

VAT receipts are now available to organizations that operate in GBP.

In order to be able to generate a VAT receipt, you will need to add your organization's VAT info under Location Settings. Once configured, next to each payment you can select the VAT Receipt option which will open the receipt as a PDF in a separate tab.

Reporting intervals can be configured to begin on Mondays or Sundays.

For customers in countries where weeks begin on Monday, reporting intervals can be set to begin on Mondays under Organization Settings.

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