Capitan Release Notes - August 3
Capitan Release Notes - August 3
Discount codes can now be configured for memberships.
Under Membership Settings, there is a new option to configure Discounts. Discount codes can be configured to apply to the initial payment only or to all recurring membership payments. You can configure a date range over which your Discounts can be used for time-based promotions or leave the date fields blank so they never expire. When a discount is applied to a payment, this will show in your organization's payments table and the customer's payment table.
How this can be useful:
- Use an initial payment discount for a promotion discounting initiation fees.
- Configure a recurring discount to use for members that receive a scholarship or financial assistance from your organization.
Discount codes can now be configured for events.
Under Event Setup, there is a new option to configure Discounts. Discount codes can be per participant or per booking. You can configure a date range over which your Discounts can be used for time-based promotions or leave the date fields blank so they never expire. When a discount is applied to a payment, this will show in your organization's payments table and the customer's payment table.
How this can be useful:
- Share discounts with new members to encourage them to try your class offerings.
- Per booking discounts can be used for a party promotion (regardless of how many participants are included).
On the Staff Site, staff can manually add one-time or recurring discounts to customers' current recurring memberships.
When editing a customer's recurring membership, you will have two new options: Edit Recurring Discount and Edit One-Time Discount. When adding a Recurring Discount, the discount will be applied to all future payments for that membership until Staff edit or remove the discount. When adding a One-Time Discount, the discount will only be applied to the next bill. When a discount is applied it will appear in the customer's activity log. Once it is used at a future bill date(s), the discount will show in your organization's payments table and the customer's payment table.
How this can be useful:
- For customer service issues, you can apply a one-time discount to a future payment to help mediate the situation.
- For Friends & Family discounts, you can apply a recurring discount to the memberships you already have configured.
On the Staff Site, staff can set a recurring membership to end at any of the next twelve scheduled bill dates.
When you select Edit next to a customer's recurring membership, the Cancel (Future Billing Date) option will let you select which of the next twelve scheduled bill dates you would like the membership to cancel on. This can be undone anytime before the selected bill date on the Staff Site. The membership will be billed normally until it reaches the day it is set to end.
How this can be useful:
- If a customer knows they will need to cancel their membership in the future (moving, pregnant, etc), you can set the membership to end in the future.
There is a new staff permission to decide who can and can not modify customers' proficiencies.
To limit who can modify a customer's proficiency, there is a new permission under Staff Admin for "Can Manage Customer Proficiencies?". Only those with the permission may add, edit or remove a proficiency from a customer's profile. Note: By default, this is turned on for all existing Staff Members with the "Can Manage Customers" permission, so the update does not accidentally disrupt operations.
How this can be useful:
- Only grant access to modify proficiencies to Staff Members that administer proficiency tests.
Entry passes now may now be configured to expire in a set amount of days (not just months).
When configuring an entry pass, there is a new Days Until Expiration field to set the number of days that the pass lasts before expiring. If this field and "Months Until Expiration" are left blank, the pass will not expire. If both this and "Months Until Expiration" are provided, the time until expiration will be the sum of the two.
How this can be useful:
- Create a 1-week or 10-day trial to test new options to attract new customers.
When configuring your organization's Mailchimp integration, you now have more control over the initial sync in regards to email preferences.
When initially setting up your Mailchimp account, after selecting your audience you will have two options:
Keep customers' Mailchimp email opt-in preferences, and override their opt-in settings in Capitan. When a customer is present both in Capitan and in Mailchimp, their Mailchimp opt-in settings will override any preferences currently set in Capitan.
Keep customers' Capitan email opt-in preferences, and override their opt-in settings in Mailchimp. When a customer is present both in Capitan and in Mailchimp, their Capitan opt-in settings will override any preferences currently set in Mailchimp.