Mailchimp - Email Groups

Integrating Mailchimp Email Groups

Through Capitan's integration with Mailchimp, customers and staff may manage a customer's email groups configured in Mailchimp directly within Capitan. Groups are specialized audience fields that let customers self-categorize based on interests or preferences using uniform responses you set. The video at the bottom walks you through the process of the Capitan and Mailchimp

Email Group Configuration in Mailchimp

To begin, Email Groups will all be configured directly in Mailchimp.  Here is a link to learn more about configuring Groups in Mailchimp.

Configuration in Capitan

Organization Settings

Under Organization Settings, you will first need to set Display Email Opt-In to Yes so customers may opt-in to marketing emails.  Once your Mailchimp account is connected, you will see the Resync Mailchimp Groups button. Select this after adding, modifying or deleting any Groups in Mailchimp.

Document Template 

The most common place a customer will update their Email Groups is when filling out a Waiver/Acknowledgement of Risk for your Organization.

To add the Mailchimp Groups to your documents follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Content section of the Document Template where you want to add the Mailchimp Group options.
  2. Hover over Email in the document and select the Edit Element button.
  3. Ensure the following two settings are selected:
    1. "Include option to let customers opt in to marketing and promotional emails" (The email opt-in checkbox text and help text may be configured in the Organization Settings page)
    2. "Include questions for Mailchimp groups" (This will add questions for each of your configured Mailchimp groups. The answers to these questions will be synced to Mailchimp. Customers may also edit their Mailchimp groups via the Climber App Settings page.)

Updating Email Groups

In addition to setting up Email Groups when a customer fills out a document, there are a few other ways a customer (or staff member acting on their behalf) may update their preferences:

  • Staff Site Customer Profile: When a staff member edits a customer's profile, they can update their email opt-in/out preference and Email Groups. These changes will be synced with Mailchimp.
  • Climber App: A customer can update their email opt-in/out preference and Email Groups in the Climber App under Settings. These changes will be synced with Mailchimp.
  • Mailchimp Emails: A customer may unsubscribe or update their email preferences from an email sent via Mailchimp. These changes will be synced with Capitan.

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