Capitan Release Notes - November 1
Discounts can now be percentage-based to make it easier to offer one discount for multiple memberships, entry passes and events.
When configuring a discount, there is a new option to set the Discount Value: Percentage or Flat Discount. When Percentage is selected for Membership and Event Discounts, you can configure if it applies to Add-Ons or just the Base Fee. Note: At this time, percentage discounts will not apply to any membership initiation fees.
How this can be useful:
- Sales across the organization (for example, select memberships and entry passes of varying prices are all 20% off).
- Simplify Association-specific discounts (for example, NHS workers get 10% off all memberships, entry passes and events).
Association discounts will now be automatically removed when a customer is removed from an Association.
If a customer had a discount from an Association that was applied to a recurring membership, when removed from the Association (manually or automatically) the discount will be removed and not applied to any future payments.
Association discounts will now be automatically added when a customer is added to an Association.
If a customer had a recurring membership and is added to an Association that includes an automatic discount for that recurring membership, the discount will be applied going forward starting on the next bill date.
Association Members can be automatically removed from an Association based on the rules you set.
To make it easier to manage Associations, you can set rules to determine when customers' association memberships expire. To allow customers the opportunity to extend when their association membership expires, you can set a re-verification period. When configured, this will add an alert on the customer's account and play a different sound on check-in (when configured under Admin / Check-in Sounds) to let them know they need to re-verify.
To begin, on an Association's profile select Configure where there is a new option for "When does a customer's association membership expire?"
There are three options:
- When manually removed - Use this for Associations where once added a customer will not likely need to be removed or not removed on a set schedule (for example, Veterans or Friends and Family of Staff).
- After a set interval - Use this for Associations where Association Members will need to re-verify on a rolling basis from when they were initially added (for example, corporate discounts that need to show proof of employment every six months)
- On set dates - Use this for Associations where Associations Members will need to re-verify on set dates, regardless of when they were initially added (for example, all students must re-verify at the beginning of each semester).
Customers may be manually removed from an association at any time, regardless of the selected option. For automatic expirations, a re-verification window may be additionally configured.
When "After a set interval" is selected, you will have the following options:
- Association membership expiration interval (months)
- Association membership re-verification period (days, optional) - If a re-verification period is configured, a customer may be re-verified before their association membership expires, preventing them from being removed from the association.
- Should an alert be added to customers' accounts when they need to re-verify? - During the re-verification period, this alert will appear on a customer's Staff Site profile, as well as when they check in.
When "On set dates" is selected, you will have the following options:
If a customer does not re-verify before their Association Membership expires, they will automatically be removed from the Association. If a customer had a discount from the Association that was applied to a recurring membership, the discount will be removed and not applied to any future payments.
How this can be useful:
- Set one base price for memberships that can be automatically adjusted based on a customer's association. In the student example, if a Student Association gets 10% off the base membership, upon graduation they will automatically lose the discount and be charged the normal base rate.
- Ensure those receiving Association Discounts are still entitled to those benefits.
The Payment Table can be filtered by Discount Association.
The new Discount Association field can be used to filter for payments with discounts that were granted due to membership in a givenssociation. Upon export, you can see additional details (Association, Discount Amount, etc). Note: This will not filter any Association Discounts used prior to the release on the evening of November 1, 2022.
Associations now have an Activity Log.
Association Activity Logs will now display any Association Members or Association Managers that have been added or removed from the Association.
Customers can now save card details to their account and use the card for future payment.
A customer may now save card details to their account and in the future pay with the saved card. In the Climber App under Billing History & Payment Methods, a customer may add or remove payment methods for use on Capitan. They may also change or update an existing recurring membership's payment method.
Private Events can be marked as paid offline.
To make it easier to manage payments that may be paid via check or alternative payment methods for private events, a private event may be marked as paid offline. Events marked as paid offline will not be included in accounting reports from Capitan, but will still be included in revenue reports.
You can now search for customers using multiple zip/postal codes.
When filtering by customers, you can now search for customers in multiple zip/postal codes by separating the codes with a comma.