Fixing a Failed Membership Payment

Recurring memberships are billed automatically by Capitan. There are a variety of reasons why a membership's saved payment may fail to be charged, including cards expiring, insufficient funds, and payments stopped by the bank.

When a membership payment fails, the customer cannot use the membership for entry until payment has been received. There are two ways a failed membership payment may be fixed: in the Climber App or on the Staff Site.

Fixing a failed membership payment on the Staff Site

If a customer's membership renewal failed, you can follow these steps to fix it:

  1. Navigate to the customer's profile on the Staff Site and select "Memberships and Entry Passes".
  2. Select "Edit" next to the membership with the failed payment.
  3. Select "Fix Failed Payment" from the drop down. This will open the Climber App for the customer.
  4. Depending on the customer's situation you can Update Payment Method (for new cards or bank transfer info) or Retry Payment (for prior issues caused by insufficient funds or frozen cards).

Fixing a failed membership payment in the Climber App

Customers may also fixed failed membership payments on their own in the Climber App. To fix a failed membership payment, they can follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Climber App and scroll to My Memberships & Passes.
  2. Under the membership with the failed payment, select Update Payment Method (for new cards or bank payments) or Retry Payment (for prior issues caused by insufficient funds or frozen cards).

Please note, if a failed membership payment is not fixed within one month, the membership will be canceled.

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