Setting Up Accounting Integrations

Accounting connections allow you to sync revenue data from Capitan to your accounting software of choice. For maximum flexibility Capitan allows you to create multiple accounting connections and assign one or more locations to each connection.

Capitan supports three types of accounting connections:

  • Xero: Import accounts and sync data automatically to Xero on daily basis.
  • Quickbooks Online: Import accounts and sync data automatically to Quickbooks Online on daily basis.
  • Manual: Configure accounts manually and download reports to upload into your accounting software of choice on whatever interval you desire. This can be used to support Quickbooks Desktop, which requires reports to be uploaded in .iif format.

Please note, when syncing data to your accounting software, Capitan only reports revenue collected directly on Capitan. To avoid double counting, revenue collected via your POS (Vend/Lightspeed or Square) will not be reported. Use your POS's accounting integration to report this revenue.

Setting up an Accounting Connection (Xero or Quickbooks Online)

  1. To begin, navigate to Accounting Connections under Admin in the top right corner of the Staff Site.
  2. Select which Accounting Connection your organization uses for financial reporting. For online options (Xero and Quickbooks Online) you will be prompted to connect. This will then sync all relevant deposit and revenue accounts from your accounting platform. 
  3. At any time you may select the Resync Revenue Accounts option from your accounting connection's Configure page. This will obtain and save the latest set of revenue accounts from your accounting software, which will immediately become available to select when configuring revenue accounts for your Capitan products.

Setting up an Accounting Connection (Manual)

  1. To begin, navigate to Accounting Connections under Admin in the top right corner of the Staff Site. Select Add New Manual Connection.
  2. For a manual accounting connection, you can modify your revenue accounts at any time. Setting up revenue accounts will allow you to download reports for Quickbooks Desktop or other accounting software. You may additionally configure the account to which deposits will be made when exporting data for accounting software.
  3. To download the information for your Manual Connection, you can use the Quickbooks Desktop Report. This report is formatted as an IFF file for quick upload into Quickbooks Desktop. You can save it as a csv if you use another manual accounting option. 

Understanding the Accounting Connection Options 

  • Connection Name - This is the name of the Accounting Connection. For multi-location organizations, this is helpful if you have multiple Accounting Connections for different locations within your organization.
  • Deposit Account - The deposit account is the account which receives deposits from your payment processor. 
    • For Quickbooks Online, this is required in order to sync data. 
    • For Xero, this setting is optional. If this is set, the daily invoice created by Capitan will automatically be paid out of the deposit account. If this is empty, then the invoice will be left with the status "Submitted", requiring it to be manually reviewed and paid.
  • Payment Processor Fee Policy - This determines how payment processor fees are handled when reporting to accounting software. They can either be ignored or reported as separate (negative) line items. Payment processor fees are only tracked for Stripe payments. The three options for payment processor fee policy are:
    • Ignore Fees: The full amount charged to the customer will be reported as revenue.
    • Report as Separate Line Items: The payment processor fees will be subtracted from each revenue account as a separate line item.
    • Send to Separate Accounts: The payment processor fees will be subtracted from the configured "payment processor fee account".
  • Accounting Time Zone - The accounting time zone is used when syncing reports to your accounting software. If this field is left blank, your organization's default time zone will be used.
  • Default Membership Revenue Account - This is the default revenue account that will be used for all membership revenue (memberships and membership add-ons). Any new membership or membership add-on type added to Capitan will automatically be assigned to this revenue account. You always have the option to modify the revenue account assigned to a particular membership or membership add-on type (for example "Rentals Add-on" or "Youth Program Memberships" can go to separate accounts). 
  • Default Entry Pass Revenue Account - This is the default revenue account that will be used for all entry pass revenue. Any new entry pass type added to Capitan will automatically be assigned to this revenue account. You always have the option to modify the revenue account assigned to an entry pass type (for example a discounted entry pass for new customers can go to an "Introductory Offer" account).
  • Default Event Revenue Account- This is the default revenue account that will be used for all event revenue (event fees and add-ons). Any new event fee or event add-on type added to Capitan will automatically be assigned to this revenue account. You always have the option to modify the revenue account assigned to a particular event fee or event add-on type (for example "Birthday Parties" or "Rental Package" fees can go to different accounts). 

Please note, changes made to your revenue account settings will not impact any transactions that were recorded before the change. The updated revenue accounts will only be applied to future transactions.

Multi-location Accounting Configuration Options

If your organization has multiple locations, there are a few configuration options depending on your accounting and reporting needs:

Use a single accounting connection for the organization and use the same membership, entry pass and event revenue accounts across the organization regardless of revenue location.

When using a single accounting connection for the entire organization, all revenue (regardless of the location the revenue is attributed to) will be sent to the same selected revenue accounts. The totals will be broken down my location if additional analysis is required.

Use a multiple accounting connections to report revenue for different locations.

If you use multiple accounting connections (for example, one Quickbooks Online account for one location and another Quickbooks Online account for your second location), you may add multiple accounting connections to a single organization. Once you have added all of your accounting connections, use the Assign button to select which location(s) revenue is sent to each connection.

Use a single accounting connection for the organization, but use different revenue accounts based on the location of the revenue.

If your organization uses one accounting connection, but needs revenue to be separated by location, you may duplicate your accounting connection.  This will create a second connection for the same connected software (Xero or Quickbooks Online), which allows you to configure sites to use different revenue accounts while syncing data to the same software. For example, membership revenue for your North location may go to "Memberships - North" and membership revenue from your South location may go to "Memberships - South". When duplicating, the duplicate will copy everything except individual product revenue accounts, which will all be set to the default.

How revenue is attributed to locations for multi-location organizations

When revenue is collected directly through Capitan, below are the rules used to decide which location the revenue is attributed towards:

  • Memberships (Default, Organization-wide) - The customer's home location
  • Memberships (Single Location) - The location selected for the membership regardless of the customer's home location
  • Entry passes - The customer's home location
  • Events - The location of the event, regardless of the customer's home location.

Using the Payments Table for reconciliation

To help with reconciliation, you may include revenue account information with exporting from the Payments Table. Please note, changes made to your revenue account settings will not impact any transactions that were recorded before the change. The updated revenue accounts will only be applied to future transactions.

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