Private Events Custom Pricing

Private events such as birthday parties and corporate events can have complex pricing which is difficult to represent using pricing matrices. To make it easier to accommodate, there is now the option to add a Custom Discount.

Applying a Custom Discount to a Private Event

To apply a custom discount to a private event, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Reservation tab for the private event.
    1. For existing private events, this can be reached by opening the private event in the Scheduled Events page, then selecting Modify Private Event.
    2. For new private events, the Reservation tab will be reached as the second step when creating the event. New private events can be created by selecting Create Private Event in the Scheduled Events page.
  2. In the Discount Amount field, enter the discount you want to apply to the private event.  The discount is applied to the total cost of the booking.
  3. On the Payment tab for the private event, the discount will be displayed. 

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