Failed Payment Email Notification
When a customer's recurring membership payment fails, Capitan will automatically send out an email to the owner of the membership to alert them. Below are the main reasons a payment fails along with the corresponding email sent.
Each membership type can include custom Failed Payment Notification Text to be included with the following emails. This is a good place for additional information on your Terms & Conditions or contact information if a customer required further assistance.
Each email will include a link titled Fix Failed Payment which will bring the customer to the Climber App where a they can add a new payment method or retry their existing payment method.
Membership renewals that failed due to an issue with the payment method
The most common reasons a membership payment fails include insufficient funds, expired cards or bank's denying the charge.
Email notification for membership renewals that failed due to an issue with the payment method
Subject Line: [Organization Name] - Failed payment for [Membership Type Name]
We had a problem billing your payment method.
On [Bill Date], we tried to bill your [Payment Method, for example Visa 4242 (Exp. 11/2044)] for your [Membership Type], but the payment failed.
In order to reactivate your membership, please use the link below to retry the payment or update your payment method.
If payment is not received by [Next Bill Date], your membership will be canceled.
[Fix Failed Payment Button]
[Any text included in the Membership Type's Failed Payment Notification Text will be displayed below the button to fix the failed payment.]
Membership renewals that failed due to no saved payment method (less common)
Please note, there are only two ways that a recurring membership can have no saved payment method:
- Migrated membership without an attached payment method. Some organizations when migrating to Capitan for particular circumstances may not migrate tokenized payment information and require new a new payment method be attached to the membership.
- Switching payment processor connections. If you switch payment processor connections, any saved payment details will not be carried to the new connection.
Email notification for membership renewals that failed due to no saved payment method
Subject Line: [Organization Name] - Failed payment for [Membership Type Name]
We had a problem billing your payment method.
On [Membership Bill Date], we tried to bill your [Membership Type Name], but the payment failed because no payment method is attached to the membership.
In order to reactivate your membership, please use the link below to add a payment method to the membership.
If payment is not received by [Next Bill Date], your membership will be canceled.
[Fix Failed Payment Button]
[Any text included in the Membership Type's Failed Payment Notification Text will be displayed below the button to fix the failed payment.]