Converting a Free Entry to a Paid Entry

There are times when a customer may enter a location on a Free Entry that needs to be converted to a Paid Entry. This is useful if your connected POS has a delay from when a customer buys an entry method (membership or entry pass) in the POS to when it shows up in Capitan. In this situation, you can check the customer into the location so they can get climbing, then convert the Free Entry to a Paid Entry once the purchased entry method appears on their account.

To convert a customer's Free Entry to a Paid Entry, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the customer's profile and ensure a paid entry method has been added to their account (memberships or entry passes).
  2. Navigate to the customer's Check-In History.
  3. Select the check-in from their history with the free entry you would like to convert. This will open the Check-In Details modal.
  4. Select the Convert to Paid Entry button. This will charge the Free Entry to the customer's available paid entry methods. If a customer has both a membership and entry pass, the membership will be prioritized.

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