Duplicate Occurrences

To make it easier to add multiple multi-part/one-off events to the schedule, you can now duplicate occurrences.

To duplicate an occurrence, follow these steps:

  1. Under Event Setup, navigate to the multi-part/one-off event for which you would like to duplicate an occurrence and select Edit.
  2. Navigate to Occurrences, find the occurrence you would like to duplicate, and select the "Duplicate" option.
  3. Select one or more start dates for duplicate occurrences. A new occurrence will be created for each start date. If the original occurrence is multi-part, each duplicate occurrence will have the same number of parts, using the time intervals from the original occurrence.

Note: The duplicate occurrences are not linked together, so you may modify one occurrence (for example, changing one day of an occurrence to Tuesday from Monday) without impacting the other occurrences.

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