Membership-Based Discounts

To make it easier to manage membership benefits, you can now have certain discounts only apply to members with select memberships. This allows simple automation of policies such as member pricing for events or discounted entry passes for off-peak members.

To use membership-based discounts, when configuring a membership, entry pass or event discount, set the "Does this discount require an active membership?" setting to "Yes". When this is set to "Yes", then the discount may only be used for products purchased for customers with active memberships of the chosen types. For products purchased for multiple customers (for example, group memberships and multiple-participant event bookings), each customer must belong to one of the chosen memberships.

Note: Discounts are tied to the member, not the owner. For example, if a parent buys a Monthly Recurring Membership for their child, only the child will receive the discounts associated with having the Monthly Recurring Membership.

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