Custom Customer Fields

Custom Customer Fields allow you to collect customer information specific to your organization across Capitan. Once created, custom customer fields can be added to documents and event attendee questions. When a customer fills out a custom field when completing a document or event reservation, the field will automatically be updated on their profile. A customer's fields can also be edited by staff from their profile in the Staff Site.

Please note, if a customer had a prior answer for a checkbox-style question, then fills out a new document or attendee question with the same checkbox-style question (even if not required) it will wipe out the prior selection(s). For all other question types, if a customer leaves a custom customer field blank that they previously answered, the prior answer will remain on their profile.

To configure Custom Fields, follow these steps:

  1. Under Admin, select Customer Profiles and then select Custom Fields.
  2. Select "Click to Add" to create a new organization wide custom field.
  3. Select the type from the following: checkboxes, dropdown, radio buttons, single-line text and multiple-line text. Your selection for the field type will dictate the other relevant fields to configure the field.
  4. Give the custom field a name. The name will be shown when adding a custom field to a document template or event attendee questions.
  5. Click Save.

Once saved, your Custom Fields will be available in the following places:

  • The Customer Profile (all will be viewable when you select "Edit Profile")
  • Editing the content of a document template. All configured fields will be displayed under the Custom Customer Fields section and can be added to any customer section. Please note, they must be in a customer section (for example, the minor information section and not a general text section) so Capitan can add the information to the appropriate customer profile even if multiple customers are on a single document.
  • Editing the attendee questions for an event type. To add a custom field to an attendee question, under Question Type select Custom Customer Field.

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