Capitan Release Notes - November 16, 2023

Capitan has been up to a lot over the last two months, making many smaller releases you may have already started seeing pop up in the platform. Here is a detailed list of everything Capitan has released recently:

Customer Profile:

  • Transfer entry passes - Quickly transfer an entry pass and its remaining entries to another customer.
  • Customer alert icon - For custom alerts on a customer's profile, indicate if you want an alert icon to appear so staff will have a visual prompt to check the alert.


  • Customize the columns for event types - For each event type, decide which information will be displayed on the event page, to make it easier for instructors to see at a glance the information they need for each participant. Columns can be chosen from the Event Attendee Questions, Capitan Profile Fields, Custom Fields and more.
  • Event notes - Store notes directly on the event for easier event management.
  • Event category vouchers - Create vouchers that work across all event types in a category, for additional flexibility.
  • Scheduled events category filter - Filter the Staff Site scheduled event calendar by event category for easier visibility.
  • New calendar colors - Make it easier to manage a busy calendar with more colors to color code events.


  • Report: Membership Add-on Counts - Track the number of add-ons your members purchase over time.
  • Report: Age of Memberships - Track how long your members are retaining their recurring memberships.
  • Report: Membership Conversion Times - Track how long it takes your organization to get a new customer to purchase a membership.
  • Reports: Reservations - See a breakdown of all event reservations in your organization.
  • Report: Member List - See a breakdown of all members in your organization. This can be further filtered to see members with a specific membership type or add-on.
  • "Memberships/Members" count selector for Membership Counts report - When you offer group memberships, have more flexibility in counting individual members or whole memberships.
  • Reporting date quick filters - New date selection options make it faster to view common time ranges, including "last 7 days", "this quarter" and more.

Memberships & Entry Passes:

  • Weekly memberships - Create weekly memberships (recurring or prepaid) to offer more flexibility to your customers.
  • Customer profile memberships and passes performance improvement - We have improved the load times of memberships and passes when viewed from the Staff Site customer profile page.


  • Hide challenge from Climber App - You now have the option to make challenges a fun surprise by hiding the progress bar in the Climber App.
  • Mailchimp event: Added to Challenge - Create a Mailchimp event when a customer is added to a challenge to tie it to a Mailchimp customer journey
  • Customer Filter: Challenge Status - View customers with a specific challenge, and optionally filter them by their challenge status (active, completed, expired).


  • "Clear inbox after X months" setting - Remove clutter from your staff inbox for a more streamlined experience.

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