Event waiver reminder email

Organizations can configure waiver reminder emails for each event type, prompting customers to sign a waiver in advance of the event, in order to expedite the process of checking customers into the event.

When configured, an email will be sent when a participant does not have an active waiver on file at the event's location. The email is sent to the participant, the booking customer, and any other customers linked as parents/guardians of the participant. Included in the email is a link to the document template you select, ensuring that the participant signs the appropriate document.

To configure an event waiver reminder email, follow these steps:

  1. Under Event Setup, navigate to the event type for which you want to add an event reminder email. Navigate to the emails section.
  2. Select "Send Waiver Reminder Email".
  3. Configure "Waiver Reminder Email Lead (Hours)". The email will be sent this many hours before the event begins. For multi-part events, this only applies for the first part of the event – reminder emails are not sent for later parts.
  4. Using "Waiver Reminder Email Text", add any additional content you wish to include in the emails. This will be placed above the waiver link in the waiver reminder email.
  5. Using, "Waiver Reminder Email Document Template", select the document template that customers should fill out in advance of the event. This is the document template that will be linked in the email.

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