How to offer automated member referrals
Capitan's referral system transforms your members into an effective salesforce, leveraging their enthusiasm and network to drive membership growth.
Enable referral codes
To begin, you will need to enable referral codes at your organization in Organization Settings. When enabled, then a referral code will appear for each customer on the Climber App homepage, underneath their barcode.
Create a Referral Discount
To create a referral discount for your organization, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Membership Discounts under Membership Settings and select Create New Discount.
- Set the Discount Type to Referral and select the memberships that can qualify for a Referral Discount.
Referred Customer Discount Configuration
Configure the following options in the discount that applies to the customer purchasing a new membership with an existing customer's referral code:
- Duration - Locked at Initial Payment Only
- Code (optional) - Can be used for reporting purposes
- Name - This is the discount name that will appear to the customer when using the discount
- Discount Value - The flat discount amount applied to the customer's purchase
- Availability (optional) - When set, this is the only time customers can redeem the discount (for example, September Referral Promotion where new members can 2x the size the normal referral discount)
- Does this discount require an Association? - When set to "Yes", the referred customer must already be in the set Association to receive the discount.
- Does this discount require an active membership? - This should be set to "no" for almost all referral discounts as the referred customer will likely not have a membership yet.
- Max Number of Uses Per Customer - Set a limit on how many times one customer can redeem a referral discount when buying a membership.
- Is this discount only usable by first-time members? - When set to "yes" anyone that has had a membership at your organization on Capitan already will be ineligible for the discount.
Referring Customer Credit Configuration
Configure the following options in the discount that applies to the customer whose referral code was used to purchase a new membership:
- Referrer Credit Amount - How much the referring customer will receive if someone purchases a qualifying membership with their referral code
- Max # of Referrer Credits Applied Per Month - If provided, this will limit the number of credits that a customer can receive in a calendar month. Any referrals above this limit will not grant a credit. Leave this blank for no limit.
- Referrer credits may only be used for recurring membership payments - When enabled, credits can only be used for the referrer's own recurring membership payments.