How to offer cancellation discounts to recurring members

In an effort to help organizations retain customers, an organization can customize a cancellation discount on Capitan to incentivize a customer to retain their membership.

To configure a cancellation discount, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Discounts under Membership Settings. Create a new discount.
  2. Set the discount type to "cancellation". When set to cancellation, the discount will automatically be offered to customers that go to cancel their recurring membership that meet the criteria the you set.

Cancellation discount configration options

The following options can be configured for a cancellation discount:

  • Memberships This Discount Applies To - Which memberships when a customer attempts to cancel will be offered the discount
  • Duration - Locked to the next bill amount
  • Code (optional) - A code can be given for reporting and tracking purposes
  • Name - This is the name of the discount and will appear in the Climber App when a customer uses the discount
  • Discount Value - A fixed amount or percentage of the next recurring payment due.
  • Availability (optional) - If provided, these dates limit when customers can use this discount.
  • Does this discount require an association? - If set to "yes" the discount will only be offered if the member on the membership that a customer is attempting to cancel is in the selected Association.
  • Max Number of Uses Per Customer - If provided, this limits the number of times that a customer can use this discount. 
  • Customer Offer Message - This text is shown to the customer when the discount is offered to them. For example, "You have been a loyal customer and we would hate to see you leave. Here is 20% off your next month of membership if you stay one more month."
  • How long must the customer have had the membership in order to receive the offer? (optional) - This can ensure the discount is only offered to more loyal customers and prevents new members trying to quickly get a discount.

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