Unlinked Reservations (Inbox)

Why is this an inbox item? 

When a customer makes a reservation, Capitan will try to automatically match the reservation to an existing customer based on name and date of birth.  If Capitan can not make the automatic match, it creates an inbox item.

Actions you can take with an Unlinked Reservation inbox item:

  • Link the reservation to selected customer.  This is common if there is a typo in someone’s information (or a parents forgets their child’s birthday…more common than you would think).  Using the customer search bar, you can look up customers and see their name, birthday and email (if one was entered in Capitan) to deduce is there is a match in Capitan.
  • Create new customer and link to reservation. If there is no match you can find in Capitan, you can create a new customer profile and the reservation will automatically be attached.  This is common with events for new customers (ie Intro to Bouldering) where they may have not been to the gym yet.
  • Hide from Inbox.

Note: Once an event passes, if a reservation was never linked to a customer it will automatically be removed from the inbox.

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