Merge Customers

Most areas in Admin are reserved for members of your team with Admin privileges.  However, merging customers is one action in Admin all staff members will likely use at some point.  

Capitan will automatically match reservations, documents, etc to customers based on Name, Birthday and Email.  Sometimes there are discrepancies (typos, nicknames, getting married, etc) so a duplicate account will be created and need to be merged. 

Merging customer accounts will move all associated items from the secondary customer to the primary customer. This includes memberships, check-in history, documents, and all other associated collections.

To Merge Accounts, follow these steps:

  1. On the Staff Site, find the two customer profiles you want to merge.
  2. Open one customer profile. Click “Edit Profile” and copy the Customer ID.
  3. In a separate tab, open the Staff Site and under “Admin”, select “Merge Accounts”. 
  4. Paste the Customer ID under the Primary Customer or Secondary Customer field.  Hit “Submit” to view the customer details.
  5. Repeat the above steps for the second customer.
  6. Note: After merging, the secondary customer account will no longer be accessible. Before merging, check the details listed below each customer and ensure that the primary customer has all of the info you wish to keep. If the secondary customer has a profile image but the primary customer does not, the profile image will be copied to the primary customer.
  7. Select that you understand the action can not be undone and save.

Note: Merging customers in Capitan will also merge the customers in your connected POS.

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