A customer filled out a document with their email, but the email isn't populating on their profile

A customer's email address is used as their login to the Climber App.  For this reason, an email address must be unique to each customer at your facility and can not be shared.

Capitan will match documents based on First Name, Last Name and Birthday.  If a customer fills out a document with an email address associated with a customer in your organization and with a different First Name, Last Name or Birthday, Capitan will create a new profile and leave the email field blank on the profile.

There are two common reasons why this happens...

#1 The customer had a typo in their First Name, Last Name or Birthday so Capitan could not make the automatic match.  In this case, you will need to merge the customer accounts.

#2 A parent used their email address for a child's account.  In this case, remove the email address from the child's account before adding it to the parent's account.

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