Membership Freeze Policies

There are a number of settings available which determine a membership type's policies regarding freezing. In order to access these settings, navigate to Admin / Memberships & Passes, select the membership you wish to configure, then scroll to the "Policies" section. The following options are available:

Can customers freeze this membership? - This determines whether the membership may be frozen by customers using the Climber App. The membership may always be frozen by staff users using the Staff Site, regardless of this setting.

Can customers freeze individual members of this membership? - For group memberships, this determines whether individual members of the membership may be frozen, while the membership as a whole stays active. As with the above setting, this only applies to the Climber App; staff users are always able to freeze individual members using the Staff Site. This option is only available if "Can customers freeze this membership?" is set to "Yes". This option does not appear for individual memberships.

Minimum amount of time before a customer may freeze this membership - If configured, a customer using the Climber App will not be able to freeze their membership until the chosen amount of time has passed since purchase. This restriction only applies to the Climber App; the membership may be frozen using the Staff Site at any time. This option is only available if "Can customers freeze this membership?" is set to "Yes".

Minimum amount of time membership must be frozen - If configured, a customer using the Climber App will not be able to unfreeze their membership until the chosen amount of time has passed since it was frozen. This restriction only applies to the Climber App; the membership may be unfrozen using the Staff Site at any time. This option is only available if "Can customers freeze this membership?" is set to "Yes".

Maximum amount of time membership may be frozen - If configured, a membership will automatically be unfrozen after the chosen amount of time has passed. This policies applies to freeze initiated both via the Climber App and via the Staff Site.

Action when maximum freeze time is reached - This determines whether the membership is reactivate or canceled when the maximum freeze time is reached. This option is only available if "Maximum amount of time membership may be frozen" is configured.

Freeze fee - This is the amount the customer is charged when their membership is frozen. For prepaid memberships, this fee is charged once, at the time the membership is frozen. For recurring memberships, this fee is charged on the membership's billing cycle. For group memberships, this fee is per-member.

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