Freezing and Unfreezing a Recurring Membership

Freezing and Unfreezing a Recurring Membership from the Staff Site

Recurring memberships can frozen/unfrozen directly on the staff site. To give you additional flexibility, there are a few options when a customer wants to freeze a membership.

To freeze a recurring membership from The Staff Site, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the customer profile of the customer who is the owner of the recurring membership for which you want to freeze.
  2. Select Memberships & Passes then Edit next to the membership. Select Freeze from the modal.
  3. By default, the option for "Will the membership freeze on a bill date?" will be set to "Yes" as many gyms only allow freezes on recurring membership to begin on the membership's set bill date. Staff can select from the next 12 bill dates which will be the Effective Date when the membership will change to a frozen status.
  4. If "Will the membership freeze on a bill date?" is set to "No", staff can select any day in the future or any day in the past (up to 28 days) when the membership freeze will take effect. If a date other than a bill date is chosen, the number of days until the next bill date will be saved and added onto the membership when it is eventually unfrozen. When the Effective Date is set to a past date, the freeze will be backdated. 
  5. The Unfreeze Date (optional) can be set at which time the membership will automatically be unfrozen. If left blank, the membership will remain frozen until manually unfrozen by staff, a customer or the maximum number of months frozen for the membership type has been hit.

Freezing and Unfreezing a Recurring Membership from the Climber App

Customers are only able to freeze and unfreeze memberships based on the policies for the Membership Type configured in Admin. If a customer owns a membership for a Membership Type that can be frozen in The Climber App, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the membership which you want to freeze and select the Manage button.
  2. Select the option to Freeze the membership. Please note, in The Climber App, customers may only freeze a membership at the next bill date. For back-dating a freeze, setting a freeze a future bill date past the next or freezing on a day that is not the bill date, they will need to contact your organization.

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