How do I add a new customer to Capitan?
Adding a Customer to Capitan
There are few ways a customer can be added to Capitan. The following three are the most common:
- Filling out a Waiver/AoR. This is the most common way a customer's account will be created on Capitan. When a customer fills out a document, Capitan will make a new profile automatically if the name/birthday combination does not already exist in Capitan. For a new customer coming into the gym, filling out the appropriate document on one of your organization's kiosks is the first step.
- Unlinked Reservations. When an event reservation is created for a customer that can not be automatically linked to an existing customer in Capitan, an Unlinked Reservation Inbox Item will be created. From the inbox item, you can create a new customer profile and the event reservation will automatically be attached. This is common with events targeted towards new climbers.
- Manually create a customer. There are a few instances where manually creating a customer on Capitan is your best option. Typically, this is when a parent, family member or friend would like to purchase a membership, entry pass or other item from your organization for a customer that has not been to the gym yet. You can create the customer profile for the recipient of the gift so the gift is already attached to their profile.
Once a customer account has been created in Capitan, the customer will automatically be synced to your organization's POS.