How do I sell someone a recurring membership?

Selling Recurring Memberships in the Facility

Recurring memberships require a customer acknowledge and agree to have their payment info stored and billed again in accordance with the membership they are purchasing.  For this reason, all recurring memberships must be sold directly in Capitan, not your POS.

If a customer comes into your gym and wants to buy a recurring membership, follow these steps:

  1. On a tablet or device you can easily pivot for a customer to use, pull up the customer's profile on the staff site and navigate to their membership section.
  2. Select Purchase Membership.  This will open a modal with the memberships your organization offers. Select the membership the customer wants to purchase. This will open the Climber App for the customer.  
  3. At this point, pass the tablet or device to the customer so they may agree to any terms and conditions, select any add-ons (if configured) and enter their payment details.

We are in the process of exploring different hardware options so a customer will not need to manually enter their credit card details and a card can be swiped to collect the information.  The hardware will vary depending on your chosen payment processor.

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