How do I sell a family multiple entry passes?

Selling Entry Passes for Multiple Customers in One Transaction 

If a family comes into your organization and wants to purchase multiple entry passes, you can do so in one transaction by following these steps.

  1. In you POS, add all the entry passes the primary customer wants to purchase for the group.  Make sure this customer is selected in your POS before completing the sale.  All entry passes will now be attached to the primary customer's profile.
  2. If the primary customer will be climbing, have them scan in or manually check them in on the staff site to use an entry.
  3. For each additional customer that the primary customer purchased an entry for you will need to navigate to their profile.
  4. Once on the profile of the customer that will be receiving an entry pass, select "Use Shared Pass".  This will open a modal where you can search for the customer that just paid for the entry passes.
  5. Once the customer that paid has been found, select their name and find the entry pass you want to use.  Select "Use Pass".  Repeat until all customers have been checked-in.

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