Customer Controls in the Climber App

What Customers Can Do in the Climber App

To save staff time and give customers more control of their own accounts, Capitan allows customers to perform many tasks in the Climber App. However, your organization has complete control over what customers can and can not do. Below are the different controls you can give to customers along with the rules you can put in place around them.

Managing Recurring Memberships

For each recurring membership, you can choose whether to allow customers to cancel and freeze their memberships in the Climber App. The freeze/cancel options are configured for each membership and can include the following restrictions, all of which are optional:

Freezing Memberships

  • Can customers freeze this membership? If this is set to "No", then this membership may only be frozen by staff.
  • Minimum number of months before a customer may freeze this membership.
  • Minimum number of months before a customer may freeze this membership.
  • Minimum number of months membership must be frozen. Customers will not be allowed to unfreeze their memberships until they have been frozen for this amount of time.
  • Maximum number of months membership may be frozen. If the membership is left frozen for this amount of time, it will be automatically reverted to Active.
  • Freeze fee. This amount will be charged each billing cycle for as long as the membership is frozen.

Canceling Memberships

  • Can customers cancel this membership? If this is set to "No", then this membership may only be canceled by staff.
  • Minimum number of months before a customer may cancel this membership.

Managing Events

Canceling Events

For each Event Type, you can choose whether to allow customers to cancel a booking in the Climber App. The cancel options are configured by Event Type and include the following options:

  • Can customers cancel reservations?
  • How many hours before the start of an event may a customer cancel?
  • Does the customer receive a refund when they cancel a reservation?

Managing Private Events

For each Private Event, in addition to the above options for canceling an event, the booking customer may also do the following:

  • Invite participants to the event with a private link to fill out the participant questions required for the event type.
  • Remove participants from their private event.

Note that these controls are always available to the booking customer; there is no option to disable them within Capitan.

Sending Link Requests

Linking accounts allows customers to purchase group memberships, and allows adults to manage their children's account information. For this reason, while customers can request to be linked to another customer in the Climber App, they must be approved by staff. Any requests will appear in the Customers section of Inbox, under Linking Account Requests.

Update Billing Information

If a customer wants to update their saved payment method, they can do so in Capitan. If a payment fails for a recurring membership, they can also try the card again or submit a new payment method.

What Customers Can Not Do in the Climber App

The following are things that the customer may not do in the Climber App. In order to perform these actions, the customer must contact your staff.

  • Log in to Capitan if they are under 18 years old. This threshold can be set to any number 13 or greater in your Organization Settings.
  • View any memberships, passes or events are are Staff Only or not Publicly Listed.
  • Update any of their personal information such as name, birthday or email.
  • Modify Event Details for a Private Event, such as time, duration, date, or number of participants.

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