Capitan Release Notes - September 7

You can now add an alert to an Association Profile.

At the top of each Association's profile, there is a new "Add Alert" option. You can select the color and message to be displayed.

How this can help:

  • As your Organization begins adding different Associations, you can include any notes that are relevant to staff when adding or removing an Association Member (e.g., a reminder that in order to be eligible for the University of Colorado Association, a student must show their student ID).

Staff Members can receive an email notification when a booking is made for a set Event Type.

When configuring an Event Type, under Emails is a new option to "Send Booking Notification Email to Selected Staff". The email addresses entered will receive a notification whenever a booking is made for the event type. You can enter as many email addresses as needed.

How this can help:

  • If you use a Repeating Event for Private Event deposits (birthday parties, large group bookings, corporate events, etc.), the appropriate staff member(s) can reach out to go over additional information about the event, go over any of your organization's pricing options and walk them through the participant invite process.
  • For private coaching sessions, an instructor can be notified when a booking has been made.

The calendar view is now clickable.

When you click on an event in the Calendar, a modal will pop up with additional information regarding the event. If you need to view more details, book a participant, or make a modification to the event, you can select the "Go to Event" button which will bring you to the event in the Past, Now or Upcoming tab.

How this can help:

  • This will make it easier to jump from the Calendar view to the full Event Details.

You can now filter Scheduled Events to make it easier to sort through the events in your Organization.

At the top of Scheduled Events, you now have a set of filters to make it easier to find the events you are looking for:

  • Location: This will default to the location you logged in as. For multi-location organizations, you can see events at another location or across the organization.
  • Event Type: You can use the search bar to select an Event Type (Active or Retired).
  • Status: The Event is Canceled/Is Not
  • Status: Is Event Private/Is Not
  • Instructor: You can filter by events with no instructor, events with a specific instructor, or events that have any instructor.
  • Booking Capacity: You can filter to find events with no bookings, less than half of capacity filled, more than half capacity filled or completely booked. Note: This filter is only available on Past, Now and Upcoming Scheduled Events, not the Calendar view.

How this will help:

  • Find events without a staff members assigned so you can staff the events accordingly.
  • See events that are fully booked to decide if you want to offer more time slots in the future.

You can now sync Mailchimp's email groups so customers can be more granular regarding the emails they want to receive.

Through Capitan's integration with Mailchimp, customers and staff may manage a customer's email groups configured in Mailchimp directly within Capitan. Groups are specialized audience fields that let customers self-categorize based on interests or preferences using uniform responses you set.

For steps on how to setup Mailchimp Groups to be used in Capitan, you can view this help article.

How this can help:

  • Customers can sign up for more targeted emails to get more value out of your email updates (e.g., a parent can sign up for youth programming emails for their children).

A red cross icon will now appear next to a customer's name on the Check-In Site and Event Bookings if medical notes are on their profile.

If a customer has added Medical Notes when filling out a document for your Organization, a red cross icon will appear next to their name (before any proficiency or membership icons).

How this can help:

  • An instructor before a course can review participants medical notes to prepare properly.
  • Staff at the front desk can quickly see if someone entering the facility may need additional support.

The amount of days remaining on a prepaid membership can now be modified by staff.

For a customer with an Active or Frozen prepaid membership, staff may modify the days remaining on the membership.

For an Active Membership,

  1. On a customer's profile, click Edit next to the Active Prepaid Membership you want to modify.
  2. Select Edit Number of Days Remaining.
  3. A modal will open displaying the current number of days remaining on the membership and the current end date of the membership. Enter the new number days remaining and the expiration date will update accordingly. Hit save when you are ready. This will be recorded in the Activity Log.

For a Frozen Membership, 

  1. Click on Edit next to the Frozen Prepaid Membership you want to modify.
  2. Select Edit Number of Days Remaining.
  3. A modal will open displaying the current number of days remaining on the membership which are frozen. Enter the new number and hit Save. This will be recorded in the Activity Log.

How this can help:

  • If a customer's membership should have been frozen earlier or there was an extenuating circumstance you want to accommodate, staff can modify the membership as need be. 

Repeating events can now be configured to repeat on a monthly schedule.

There is a new setting for Repetition under Schedules for Repeating Events. When set to "Weekly", the configured time slots will apply each week. The "Monthly" options allow the time slots to only apply on certain weeks of the month. For example, if a schedule has time slots on Wednesday and Friday, and has its repetition set to "Monthly, second selected day(s) of month", the schedule will have events on the second Wednesday and second Friday of each month.

How this can help:

  • This will make it easier for monthly events to be created (Women's' Climb Night, Community Events, Member Climb Nights, etc).

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