Capitan Release Notes - September 27

(US Only) You can now use the Stripe Reader to process card transactions directly via the Capitan Staff Site.

To speed up the front desk experience, Customers can now pay via tapping, swiping or inserting a card to purchase memberships, entry passes and events via the Capitan Staff Site. You can learn more about the integration here.

We've made it easier to create multi-part events.

To make it faster to create a multi-part event and to reduce human error adding dates to a multi-part event, there is a new Quick Add Dates option. To use the Quick Add Dates option, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Multi-Part Event Type for which you want to add or modify an occurrence.
  2. Navigate to the Occurrences tab. 
  3. Select Quick Add Dates under the Location field. This will open the Quick Add Dates modal.
  4. Enter the number of Dates you want Capitan to generate, the Interval (daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly), First Date, Start Time, Duration and Instructors (if applicable). Once saved, the dates will be generated. Dates generated can be modified as need be (for example, if you have a four week course that meets weekly on Mondays created via Quick Add Dates, but you need to schedule one week to Wednesday to accommodate for a Holiday, you can change the date manually after the dates are generated).

Entry Method is now displayed on the check-in screen.

A customers Entry Method will now display on the Staff Site check-in screen so staff have more information at a glance on who is climbing. For customers that enter with an entry pass, the number of entry passes remaining on their account will be displayed so staff can remind customers to purchase a new pass when there are no entries remaining.

Membership can now be configured to last 6 months.

There is a new Semiannual option when configuring a Membership Length. This gives you more flexibility in the types of memberships you can offer your customers.

You can now edit a customer's Medical Notes to keep information updated.

You can now add, edit and remove Medical Notes from a Customer's profile. All changes will be recorded in the Activity Log.

US organizations, you can now configure additional information for receipts.

Under Location Settings, there is a new field for US Organizations called Receipt Info. Once you have added Receipt Info (your location's address, phone number and any other additional information) there will be a Receipt button viewable next to each line item in the Payment table and on a customer's Payments list. When you select Receipt, it will download a PDF receipt which can be printed or shared. Note: UK Organizations, this will not impact the VAT Info section you already have access to.

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