Configure Recurring Membership Payment Confirmation Emails

By default, Capitan sends a payment confirmation email to the membership owner whenever a membership is billed. These emails may be configured with custom text, or removed entirely (where allowed by regulations).

Note: recurring membership payment confirmation emails are disabled by default for organizations created prior to Jan 23, 2023. They may be enabled by following the instructions below.

Enabling or Disabling Recurring Membership Payment Confirmation Emails

To enable or disable recurring membership payment confirmation emails, follow these steps:

  1. On the Staff Site, under Admin go to Organization Settings.
  2. Select "Send recurring membership payment confirmation emails".  Note that confirmation emails will always be sent when a membership is first purchased, and that this setting may be ignored where regulations require such emails to be sent as is often the case for purchases made via bank transfer.
  3. Hit the Save button below.

Editing a Specific Membership Type's Payment Confirmation Email Text

To edit the recurring membership payment confirmation email for a specific membership type, follow these steps:

  1. On the Staff Site, under Admin go to Memberships & Passes.
  2. Select the recurring membership for which you want to edit the recurring payment confirmation email text.
  3. Add information you want included in the emails under the Recurring Payment Confirmation Text. This will be included in the confirmation email sent to membership owners when recurring payments are charged, below the standard payment confirmation information (membership type, date, charge amount). This is not included in the confirmation email sent when the membership is initially purchased.

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