Managing Multiple Payment Processor Connections

Some organizations may require multiple payment processor connections. This is common for multi-location organizations where different locations operate under different entities (for example, locations in one state are under one corporation and locations under another state are under a second) and need payments to be kept separate.

Setting up Multiple Payment Processor Connections

To setup multiple payment processor connections, follow these steps:

  1. To begin, navigate to Payment Processor Connections under Admin.
  2. To add a new connection Stripe connection, select "Connect with Stripe". For a new Gravity connection, contact Capitan for assistance.
  3. Once connected, on the Payment Processor Connections page there are two buttons for setting up your connection:
    1. Configure - This takes you to a page with the following configuration fields:
      1. Name: The name you give on Capitan for the connection. This is for internal use only, and is not displayed to your customers.
      2. Enable bank account payments (Stripe Only): In order to use this, bank account payments must also be enabled on your Stripe account. Bank account payments are only available for recurring memberships. Bank account payments typically take 2-6 days to complete, during which the membership will be in the "payment processing" state. Memberships which have processing payments are usable for entry.
      3. (If the above is turned on) Require bank account payments for recurring memberships: This will remove the option in the Climber App to purchase a recurring membership via credit card. It will also disallow updating a recurring membership's payment method to a credit card.
    2. Assign - This allows you to select which locations will use the connection for processing payments. Each location may only be assigned to one connection, so if a selected location already has a connection, it will be reassigned to the one you are editing. Please note, When a location's payment processor is changed, all memberships billed to that location will have their saved payment methods removed, requiring their owners to add new payment methods. Additionally, any card readers assigned to the location will be removed.
  4. Once configured, payments will be processed by the processor based on the location of the payment.

Please note, if you are using multiple payment processor connections, a customer can only use a saved payment method at the location(s) connected to that payment processor. If they want to use the same payment method for a location the saved payment method is not currently connected with, they will need to reenter their payment details.

Removing a Payment Processor Connection

Before completely removing a payment processor connection, we highly recommend you leave the payment processor unassigned for at least a week, to avoid issues with refunds and in-progress payments. Removing the payment processor connection will also remove any saved payment methods and card readers for the connection.

When you are ready to remove the connection, simply select the "Remove" button from the payment processor you no longer want associated with your account.

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