Staff Member PIN Overview

Why do gyms need staff members to have PINs?

As front desk computers and devices are often shared by multiple members of staff, a PIN not only ensures the person performing the activity on Capitan has the appropriate permissions to save the activity, but also tracks who performed the activity.  

PINs are also used for staff to clock-in/out (when enabled).

PINs vs Passwords

Passwords are used to log into the Staff Site initially.  Capitan is a fully web-based platform which lets users with a password access Capitan on any device (at home running a report, on your phone in an investor meeting or a kiosk in your facility).  PINs are used to track activity and check permissions on Capitan once someone has already logged into Capitan's Staff Site.  This limits where a user can access Capitan as they can not log in on their own.

Who should have a PIN? 

Any member of staff that will be using a shared computer in your facility (front desk staff, instructors, managers, etc) should have a PIN.

Who should have a password? 

A password should only be given to staff members that you want to be able to log into the staff site on any device (typically those with Admin privileges). 

PIN Timeout Customization

As each gyms vary in how busy the front desk gets and how often staff are switching computers, you can customize the PIN Timeout under Admin in Organization Settings.  The PIN Timeout is the number of seconds which a PIN will be retained when in PIN Mode. Any actions taken after this timeout will prompt the user to enter their PIN again.

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