Check-in with a Guest Pass

Guest Passes are a common benefit with memberships to incentivize current members to bring friends to your facility.  Depending on your facility, guest passes may be used by anyone or may be restricted to new customers (someone that has not checked into one of your organization's facilities before).

If someone brings a guest to the facility and wants to use one of their guest passes, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the guest’s customer profile.
  2. Select “Use Guest Pass”.
  3. Search for the customer that wants to share the guest pass (confirm based on name, birthday and email).
  4. Once selected, you will see how many guest passes the customer has. 

  5. If the Guest Passes are restricted to new customers at your gym, it will show.  If the customer attempting to utilize a guest pass restricted to your gym has checked-in before, they will not be able to use the guest pass.  

  6. After using the guest pass, the guest will be checked-in and the entry method will display as “Guest Pass from” whoever gave them the pass.  

On a customer’s profile under “Membership & Passes” you can view “Guest Pass Usage”. This displays how many guest passes a customer currently has along with who has utilized their guest passes already.

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