Check-in Overview
Check-in Requirements
- Every customer checking into Capitan needs to have an active Waiver/Acknowledgement of Risk and an Entry Method.
- Customers can check-in by scanning their barcode (if they have already been assigned one) or they can be manually checked in at the front desk.
Reasons for the "No Waiver" Warning
If the “No Waiver” warning appears at check-in, the following are the main reasons why the warning has displayed:
- They never filled out a waiver/acknowledgment of risk. A customer can have a profile manually created (ie they booked an event before visiting the gym) without signing a waiver. Instruct this customer to fill out the appropriate document on your gym's kiosks.
- Their document expired. Most gyms have customers sign new waivers every few years (typically three years, but ask your manager what your organization's policy is). Instruct this customer to fill out the appropriate document on your gym's kiosks.
- They became an adult. Most gyms require that when a minor becomes an adult, they must sign a new document. Instruct this customer to fill out the appropriate document on your gym's kiosks.
- Their document is still in the “pending” state. If a document requires approval (which can be done in the inbox or directly on the customer’s profile) it can not be used for entry until staff changes the document’s pending state. You can review the document directly from the customer's profile to approve or deny the document based on your gym's rules.
- Their document was deemed “invalid”. If a document requires approval (ID verification, verbal assessment of skills, etc) and the staff member assessing the customer decided they do not pass, they can mark the document as “Invalid”. This document can not be used for entry. Instruct this customer to fill out a new document on your gym's kiosks.
Entry Methods a Customer Can Use
Every customer needs an entry method to come into the gym. Entry methods include:
- Passes
- Memberships
- Events. Certain events will include entry into the facility (courses, competitions, etc where a customer paid when they made the reservation). If an event includes entry, the customer can use the event for entry only during the time of the event (and up to 15 minutes before the event starts).
- Guest Pass (only available with manual check-in). Based on your gym’s policies, guest passes may be used by new climbers only (customers that have never been to the organization) or anyone.
- Shared Pass (only available with manual check-in). Based on your gym’s policies, customers can share their own punch passes with other customers.
- Free Entry (only available with manual check-in). Based on your gym's policies, some customers may be entitled to free entry into the gym (friends, family, staff from other gyms, etc.). When you grant a customer free entry, this will be recorded in the customer's Activity Log.
Note: If a customer has multiple entry methods and scans in, Capitan will check for an event with entry included first, followed by an active membership and lastly a pass.
Reasons for the "No Entry Method" Warning
If the "No Entry Method" warning comes up, the customer does not have any entry methods available. You can then work with the customer to determine which of the above Entry Methods works best for the customers needs.
Clearing a Check-in Warning
After assisting a customer with the check-in warning, you will need to check the customer into the facility again (either via barcode scanner or manually checking them in on their profile). This serves two purposes: it validates the customer now has an active Waiver/Acknowledgement of Risk and Entry Method and it clears the warning automatically.
Understanding the Check-in Screen Icons
There are two types of icons that can appear next to a customer’s name on the check-in screen and throughout Capitan:
Proficiency Icons (Circles): These icons set by your gym display a customer’s proficiencies.
Membership Add-ons (Squares): These icons are for customers that purchase a membership add-on (ie rentals) with a configured icon.
Talk to your manager about the icons at your facility as they are custom to each facility.
Understanding the Check-in Screen Milestones
- Happy Birthday
- First visit
- First time back
- 10th visit
- 25th visit
- 50th visit (and every 50th visit after…100, 150…)