Configuring "Cancel failed payment memberships after X days"

When a recurring membership payment fails, it is automatically put into a "failed payment" status at which point the customer may not enter using the membership.

The failed payment email notification will be sent to the owner of the membership and by default the customer has 28 days to fix the failed payment (retrying the payment method or adding a new payment method) until it is canceled.

To change the length of time until a membership is canceled after a failed payment, follow these steps:

  1. Under Admin navigate to Organization Settings.
  2. Under "Failed payment membership automatic cancellation period (days, optional)" the default will be 28 days. If provided, this is the number of days after which a membership with an unresolved failed payment will be automatically cancelled. If left blank, memberships will be left in the "Payment Failed" state indefinitely.

    Please note that when a membership with a failed payment is fixed, multiple charges may be made if the membership has been in the "Failed Payment" state for more than its payment interval. For example, if a monthly membership is fixed after three months in the "Failed Payment" state, three payments will be automatically made in order to bring the membership up to date.

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