Capitan Release Notes - March 21, 2024
Action when max freeze period is reached membership setting
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When an organization sets the "maximum amount of time membership may be frozen" there is a new secondary option to set the "Action when maximum freeze time is reached". This allows an organization to decide if they want to reactive the membership (the default) or cancel the membership. If "Reactivate membership" is selected, then the membership will be charged their normal recurring fee and reactivated when the maximum freeze time is reached.
"Membership will reach maximum freeze length soon” email
Link to Knowledge Base Article
When an organization has configured a maximum length a membership can be frozen, there is a new option to automatically notify a customer when the membership status is set to change.
If "Send notification emails before membership maximum freeze period is reached" in Membership Settings is enabled, emails will be sent to membership owners 5 days before the membership will be automatically unfrozen or canceled (per the membership type configuration) due to its maximum freeze period being reached.
This is not relevant for membership types with no configured maximum freeze period.