Approach to Capitan Migration

When migrating to Capitan, our team will walk you through the process on a series of calls and check-ins.  Below are the guidelines so you know what to expect.

Migrating from Approach to Capitan

The following information is typically migrated to Capitan:

  • Customer Details (Name, Birthday, Address, Barcodes, Pronouns, Emergency Contacts, Check-in History etc)
  • Document Placeholders (Waivers/Acknowledgment of Risk) - More details below
  • Proficiencies
  • Customer Punch Passes Remaining
  • Customer Prepaid Memberships
  • Customer Recurring Memberships
  • Billing information for Recurring Members

In general, if you can get us the information in a CSV not listed above, it can be migrated to Capitan.

Approach unfortunately does not offer the option to download your data like other platforms do, so you will need to contact their support team to initiate the migration process.  They can typically get your data within 48 hours.  

After you receive your data from Approach, we will go over what information you want imported into Captian and run the first migration.  Recurring memberships must be configured in Capitan before the migration process begins as Capitan can match your existing recurring memberships to the appropriate membership in Capitan.

Depending on your facility's situation, we will do an additional call to clarify anything that came up after the initial call (additional required reports, new information you need migrated, data "cleaning", etc).

The evening before you go live with Capitan in your facility, we will do one final export to ensure all of the information is updated so you are starting with the most up-to-date information (new customers, passes that were used, sold memberships, etc).  As Approach does not give you the control to download your own information, you will need to schedule this with them.

Setup your Recurring Memberships in Capitan

You will need to configure your memberships and passes directly in Capitan.  For existing prepaid memberships and passes, Capitan will migrate them into Capitan as "Migrated Membership" with the appropriate expiration date or "Migrated Pass" with the appropriate number of entries.  Once used, a customer will be able to purchase a prepaid membership or entry pass configured in Capitan going forward.  For recurring memberships to ensure there is no disruption, you will need to match the recurring membership a customer currently has with the recurring membership configured in Capitan.  We find typically during this process there are always some memberships that were grandfathered in to old pricing or were given a custom membership in the past don't automatically line up.  For the fringe cases, you will need to let us know what membership in Capitan they will be linked with going forward.

Migrating Payment Information for Recurring Members

Capitan can migrate your existing recurring memberships payment information so there is no disruption in their memberships.  The process for handling this piece of the migration will depend on your existing payment processor and which payment processor you will be using with Capitan.  Note: Depending on your current payment processor, this can take up to four weeks so we recommend starting this process as soon as possible.

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