Capitan Release Notes - July 14, 2023

Duplicate Occurrences

Knowledge Base Article - Duplicate Occurrences

To make it easier to add multiple multi-part/one-off events to the schedule, you can now duplicate occurrences.

Membership-Based Discounts

Knowledge Base Article - Membership-Based Discounts

To make it easier to manage membership benefits, you can now have certain discounts only apply to members with select memberships. This allows simple automation of policies such as member pricing for events or discounted entry passes for off-peak members.

Report: Membership counts over time

Knowledge Base Article - Report: Membership Counts Over Time

The Membership Counts Over Time report shows how many memberships your organization has over time. This report shows the number of memberships in total as well as by membership type and status.

Private event confirmation emails

When a participant registers for a private event using the link the booking customer provides, the participant will now receive a confirmation email. When adding a participant to a private event on the Staff Site, the staff member will have the option of sending the added participant(s) a confirmation email as well.

Prioritize entry pass usage by expiration when checking-in

To ensure customers better utilize their entry passes, Capitan will now prioritize using entry passes with the soonest expiration date when checking customers in.

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