Capitan Release Notes - March 24, 2023
Hello everyone! We have been hard at work, so hard in fact we haven't had time to send out release notes for all the things we have released this year.
Many have discovered these features already or have been individually contacted if they were features you were waiting on, but here is the full list of features that have been released in the year up until today, March 24, 2023. Each item listed below links to its own help article for future reference.
Stripe users may now allow customers to pay for recurring memberships with bank transfers for more flexibility and lower transaction fees.
Knowledge Base Article - Stripe - Enabling Bank Transfers
Bank transfers allow customers to pay via their bank account for lower transaction fees. This is only available for recurring memberships as there is delay from when a customer initiates the purchase to the funds being received from their bank. During this period, a customer may still enter using the membership but it will be in a "Pending" state. Once funds are received, it will be changed to Active.
Below are the listed rates for bank transfers on Stripe as of March 1, 2023.
- US: ACH Direct Debit, 0.8% capped at $5.00
- UK: Bacs Direct Debit, 1% 20p min, capped at £2
- Canada: Bank debits and transfers, 1% + C$0.40 capped at C$5
- Australia: BECS Direct Debit, 1% + A$0.30 capped at A$3.50
Please note, check your own Stripe account to see if there are any limits on the volume of bank transfers you may do in a month (this varies by country, how long you have had a Stripe account and the volume of transactions in your organization).
Stripe users may now require customers to pay for recurring memberships with bank transfers to lower transaction fees.
Knowledge Base Article - Stripe - Enabling Bank Transfers
In an effort to lower transaction fee expenses, you may require all customers pay for recurring memberships with bank transfers.
Please note, check your own Stripe account to see if there are any limits on the volume of bank transfers you may do in a month (this varies by country, how long you have had a Stripe account and the volume of transactions in your organization).
It is now easier for staff to manage failed recurring membership payments.
Knowledge Base Article - Fixing a Failed Membership Payment
Membership add-ons can now be added at a pro-rated amount.
Knowledge Base Article - Modifying Membership Add-ons from the Staff Site
A customer with an existing membership may want to modify their membership add-ons (rentals, gym/fitness classes, 24 hour access, etc). At this time, this can only be done through the Staff Site and there is now more flexibility in how this can be handled.
Staff now can enter a custom discount for Private Events.
Knowledge Base Article - Private Events Custom Pricing
As private events often involve more complex pricing, you now have the option to add a custom discount to any private event.
Google Analytics ecommerce tracking has been updated.
Knowledge Base Article - Google Analytics E-commerce Tracking
For organizations that want to use Google Analytics for e-commerce tracking, there is a new and updated setup in Organization Settings.
You can now configure recurring membership payment confirmation emails.
Knowledge Base Article - Send recurring membership payment confirmation emails
You can now have recurring membership payment confirmation emails sent across your organization. When enabled, you can configure additional text to be included by membership type.
Events can now scheduled 366 days in advance for greater flexibility.
You can now allow customers to book events up to 366 days in advance to make it easier to book camp, event and youth programming registrations. Please note, for an an event schedule we will only allow 1000 events to be created at once (for example, if you offer open climbing sessions 10 times a day, every day, a customer could only book this out 100 days in advance).
Capitan now supports Canadian Dollars (Stripe only).
Canadian customers may now collect payments and utilize Capitan. Currency is set up by Capitan when your account is provisioned, so CAD support does not require any additional steps
There are multiple accounting updates to provide more flexibility to your accounting connection(s).
Knowledge Base Article - Setting up your Accounting Integrations
Revenue account codes are now an optional export column in the Payments table.
When exporting from the Payments Table, you now have the option to include revenue account information for help with reconciliation. Please note, a payment's revenue accounts are recorded at the time of the transaction. If you change your revenue account configuration this will not impact prior transactions.
You now have the option to send payment processor fees to a separate account.
There are now three options for your payment processor fee policy:
- Ignore Fees (they will not be reported by Capitan to your accounting software)
- Report as Separate Line Items
Send to Separate Accounts
Please note, payment processor fees are only tracked for Stripe payments.
For multi-location organizations using a single accounting connection, revenue will be split by location.
To make reporting easier for multi-location organizations, revenue will always be reported by location. To add further flexibility, multi-location organizations can decide how revenue is reported with the three following options:
- Use a single accounting connection for the organization and use the same membership, entry pass and event revenue accounts across the organization regardless of revenue location.
- Use a multiple accounting connections to report revenue for different locations.
Use a single accounting connection for the organization, but use different revenue accounts based on the location of the revenue.